
Perseverance In The Breadwinner, By Deborah Ellis

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The Breadwinner Culminating Writing Assessment It’s early morning in a small apartment in taliban controlled Afghanistan. You are putting on shoes to help your crippled father sell things in the marketplace to provide for your family. Perseverance is doing something difficult and pushing through it. The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis is about a young girl named Parvana who has to dress like a boy to help her family survive. The author’s portrayal in The Breadwinner, by Deborah Ellis, shows in many ways Parvana persevered through tough situations. The first way Parvana shows perseverance when she is reluctant to cut her hair,but she perseveres and does it anyway. “You’re not cutting my hair!” Parvana’s hands flew up to her head. “All right,” …show more content…

She had to persevere and do things she didn’t want to do just to help her family out when they needed it most. Another way Parvana showed perseverance was when she has to dig up bones to make money for her family even though she didn’t want to dig it. ” ‘You’re not going to like it. Actually, neither do I, but it will pay better than what we’ve been doing.’ ‘What is it?’ Shauzia told her. Parvana’s mouth dropped open. Shauzia was right. She didn’t like it.” Parvana had to persevere when she had to dig up bones. Parvana didn’t like digging bones, but she had to do it to make more money for her family. The last way Parvana showed perseverance was when she yells at the taliban. The taliban kill innocent people and have strict laws people have to follow. “The soldier raised his arm and brought his stick down on Parvana’s shoulder. Parvana didn’t even feel it. Punish her father would they? “Stop hitting me!” she yelled. The talib was so surprised, he held still for a moment.” This demonstrates perseverance is because the people were extremely scared of the talib soldiers. Parvana had to persevere through the pain and her fear

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