Person-Centered Psychotherapy Theory Research Paper

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The Person-Centered Psychotherapy theory is also known as the client-centered therapy. This theory was developed by a popular psychologist between the 1940s and 1950s known as Carl Rogers. The theory of psychotherapy is considered to be the foundation of the humanistic school. This is one of the school groups of psychology used in therapeutic analysis and treatment of patients. The Carl Rogers theory believed in the simplicity and optimism of this approach as a definite way of dealing with patients as opposed to the behavioral approach (Raskin, Rogers and Witty, 2008). The theory was developed owing to the domination of psychology experts during the therapeutic process and maintained that the empathetic approach would better help the patients as it empowers the patients. The theory was developed as a result of Carl Rogers working closely with emotionally troubled persons. He observed that each of the individuals had an exceptional belief and capacity to improve their lives and experience self-healing. His main emphasis was in the perception of these individuals in their present style of living that is to mean, the here-and-now …show more content…

This is a philosophy that aligns with my values as a psychologist. I believe that patients should always be treated as normal human beings. Therefore, during therapeutic sessions, the psychotherapist should have a tendency to associate themselves with the emotional experiences of the patient (Raskin, Rogers and Witty, 2008). Hereby, the patient should not be treated like an object that is under study rather as a subject that should be empathized with. This is also part of the therapy process where the patient will have a higher chance of recovery. The therapist to client contact is also a philosophy that I agree with. The therapist should have some sort of connection where the therapist creates a relationship. This helps towards positive change in client behavioral

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