Personal Essay: Growing Up In The 70's

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I was born in the 90’s, raised in the 70’s, exposed to the 1800’s, and live in the 21st century. It is because of this I have few favorites and that I am open to experiencing new and hopefully amazing things. I was brought up in the 70’s because my parents raised me in the environment they were. Raised listening to music similar to Metallica, Queen, and Jonny Cash, played on the Atari before a handheld game system, and because of this I grew up with a very unique experience. I enjoy all that music to this day, but I eventually developed my own tastes. Musicians such as Twenty One Pilots, Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Childish Gambino, and while this music is enjoyable according to my mood, the music I heard as a child are beyond memorable.