Personal Essay On Becoming A Marine

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I picked the Marines because it’s something I know I can do no matter what challenges are thrown my way I will push right through them with everything I’ve got. It takes a strong person to go into the military and it doesn’t take just any one it takes someone who is willing to accept all the challenges and the rest that is thrown your way. I’ve always dreamed of being in the military to do well for my country and to protect my family with everything I’ve got because I’m tough enough to be a good solider every day and become better every day and become a new and better person.

A huge dream for me is becoming a United States Marines because my dad was a U.S. Marine and it’s something I want to carry on with in my family and make my family proud. Being a Marine has been a big dream of mine since I was little because I thought my dad was a Marine I want to be a Marine when I get older and be like my dad big and strong and defend my country and I’m going to make that happen when I graduate. To say I want to be a Marine and also be a female is uncommon because not a lot …show more content…

He’s a very big reason this is what I want to do with my future. This is a very big thing for me because doing this is helping me change my life around to do better and be better. Being in the military is very serious you can’t expect to go in and think things will be easy because it’s not it’s takes a lot of hard work and you have to be willing to do that hard work nobody is going to be cutting any slack you have to walking in there game ready strong and confident and be ready to work your butt off to protect your country. Training and test you take are crazy you have to work harder then you have ever worked in your life and the training is pretty much saying P.E classes are wimpy classes military training are harder than any fitness you’ll have unless you in the military or have gone through to