Personal Essay On Dominican Culture

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I had the grand honor of being born into a culturally diverse family. Although Dominican culture dominates our customs, we are 25% Middle Eastern from Lebanon, and 25% Spanish from Barcelona, Spain.The cultures have all laced into each other in such a way that I find it utterly ordinary to eat Arabic food while listening to Dominican music while serving Spanish desserts. My parents came to America at around the age that I am now, met each other, and my mom had my first sister at 18 while my father was 22. My mom went back to high school to finish her GED while my father enrolled in an institution that he never got around to finishing because his english was not well. My parents never got the opportunity to further their education because they had my sisters and I at such an early age. My parents have worked since the day they stepped foot in New York precisely so that I could get the prestigious education that they had always longed for. My parents separated when I was eight years old and my father was never really around after; as a …show more content…

I provide for my familial community by being a major financial contributor in my family. Also, my country, Dominican Republic is severely poor. Recently I got the chance to go to Dominican Republic and my family and myself round up many toys, snacks, and books to give to children. We cook a large meal and go to one of the poorest parts of the country: Hospedaje Yaque, Santiago de los Caballeros. In this annual event we give poor children and families a meal, many toys, books, and things that they need for survival. I contribute to my school by being a leader in many of my classes directing and guiding students with any help that they may need. We exchange ideas and different perspectives on texts and concepts. Finally, I contribute to my religious community by being a part of the J-18 Youth Group at Christian Center Words of