Personal Essay On Pursuing An Engineering Degree In High School

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Growing up I manage to develop an excuse to escape heading downstairs just for school. Why! Am I being awakened so early just to learn math, I freaking hate math!. “Take a seat and only the one with your name on it!” loudly came from Mrs.bedford mouth. Gheesh 6th-grade math with this lady will be a nightmare(rolling my eyes so far back into my skull I could see my own thoughts). Now you may wonder why am I pursuing an engineering degree if I hate taking math? One day while I was still in the army my boys and I started to google great paying jobs that are easy to obtain a degree in, on Google’s top 5 list appeared Construction Site Managers with starting pay over 6 figures. After seeing that I set a goal for myself to become a Construction Site Manager because who doesn’t want to make big bucks. …show more content…

Sitting so far back in math class trembling from the fear my name would be called to solve mathematical problems I never knew even existed. Restrooms became the hangout spot to avoid doing any actual class work, not knowing all this would turn back to bite me. I didn’t have a chance at high school math, struggling to manage a passing grade I had to stay for after-school tutoring in order to graduate. Class of 2012, at last, I made it through high school, off to the military wear my math skills depreciated even more over time. A mindset on enrolling in college and pursuing a degree which requires a lot of math courses I knew it would be a