Personal Narrative

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AFTER “386,059…” I walk over a branch of an oak tree, moss growing on the left side, still green. “386,059….” I kick a small rock, smooth on the bottom and sharp on the top. “386,059...” I'm off guard but I don't mind. I look to the side of the newly made trail, and A light gray, almost blue, hare hops to the green tree a few feet away. The hare makes a sharp turn of his neck and looks at me. Blue, the color of its eyes. I look for a quick second, staring back then proceeded to walk. “386,0-” “for the love!” Sawyer turns his head, then his body in a whiplash-like fashion. “Why in the world do you keep repeating that number?!” I look up, startled by his reaction. “Is how many hours …show more content…

In the passenger seat is Aanderuu. The driver I haven't seen before, he has a light blue shirt on and he has a neutral expression widespread across his face. Aandreuu jumps slightly at the scene of me waking up. “Good! You're awake! We are right down the road from the building!” as he completes his sentence we turn into a garage of a little red house with a small wood behind it. Mr. Tanks is standing in the back of the garage grabbing some new fold-out chairs, the tags still hanging off the leg. Mr. Tanks looks up from the sound of the car, he waves as his eyes are being blinded by the headlights of the small car. “Mr.Burkswent! Just in time! We are about to start.” Aandreuu grabs the door handle closes to me and opens without hesitation. The garage is warm, the ground is stained by oil of cars there before. Aandreuu looks over at me “You …show more content…

“We should be in town by now… we didn't go too far, did we? Are...are we lost?” sawyer didn't make eye contact but it was directed towards me. I try to remember something to use for relative location, like a tree, a bush, or anything out of the ordinary. But I do remember something, but I don't know what it is, but it's a start. “386,059…” I walk over a branch of an oak tree, moss growing on the left side, still green. “386,059….” I kick a small rock, smooth on the bottom and sharp on the top. “386,059...” I'm off guard but I don't mind. I look to the side of the newly made trail, and A light gray, almost blue, hare hops to the green tree a few feet away. The hare makes a sharp turn of his neck and looks at me. Blue, the color of its eyes. I look for a quick second, staring back then proceeded to walk. “386,0-” “for the love!” Sawyer turns his head, then his body in a whiplash-like fashion. “Why in the world do you keep repeating that number?!” I look up, startled by his reaction. “Is how many hours we have been lost in this wood?!” Sawyer stops walking and proceeds to yell at me. “Is it how many minutes until we die here?!” Sawyer is now standing tall and straight, he's trying to get answers.”What is it Jossa?!” his fist is tight, teeth are gritted together, shoes are now making an indentation in the light winter

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