
Personal Narrative: A Rollercoaster Ride

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Me and max show up at elicis and we are going on a rollercoaster ride me and max got our Tickets and and we go to fin are ride that we are going on and the line is really long so we decide to have lunch and we go to a hot dog stand and get to hot dogs for Each other to eat before we go on the ride. So we finist are hot dogs and we stand in line and then we have to wet in a really long line for the ride there was a tiny sign that said “the wait from here is 2 hours from this point” so it took about 20 mins to get there so max Savad are sopte wall i wind to a limad stand and in wand a kind of long line but it only took about 10 mins and i was in front so i ordered 2 lemads and i went back in line with max and we moved up about 15 people.
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