
Personal Narrative: A Short Story

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The screams could be heard from a mile away. I stood next to my best friend, Emily Morgan, as we entered the line for BIZZARO. My heart was already pounding and I felt adrenaline coursing through my veins. Little did I know that the ride would make you fall in love and terrified all at once. “You still want to wait?” I asked Emily. “Definitely,” she said with a slight shake to her voice. The line looked like we would be waiting for ever. My hands were shaking like I just seen a ghost. It didn’t help that you could see a perfect view of the 200 foot plunge the started up in the clouds. As minutes passed, both of us were too nervous to even say a word to one another. I kept giving myself a pep talk on the inside, telling myself that rumors about people being killed on this ride were lies. The screams of people were roaring in my ear. “Maybe the ride won’t be that …show more content…

We were in a decent spot in the middle of the ride. “A little too late to back out?” I asked Emily, trying to sound a little brave. “Relax, it’s going to be fun,” she responded, even know I knew she was just as nervous as me. “Ok, but I should have planned our funerals,” I said. We laughed and the ride lurched forward. Slowly, it traveled over the tracks. I couldn’t help but listen to the amazing soundtrack that was created for it. With my mind on the soundtrack, and not being able to see in front of me, life was good. “Look how high we are,” Emily said. I lost focus on the music and did the worst thing ever. I. Looked. Down. The drop was huge. Suddenly, the music blared. “Are you ready,” said the music in my ear. And with that moment, we plunged down to the Earth. The ride rushed down, barely letting me breath. Adrenaline was kicking in again as we reached the bottom and didn’t slow down. We traveled over hills of steel and spirals that channeled you into your inner fear. The ride rushed onward until we reached the two small hills before the ride slowed down and

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