Personal Narrative: Abby's Time In The Hospital

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I have a twin sister, her name is Abby. When we were 15 she herniated a disk in her back that required surgery to correct. About a month after the surgery she contracted a staph infection that nearly took her life, and left my family reeling. Remembering Abby’s time in the hospital is a blur, with only a few moments of intense clarity, and what I recall most is the feeling of helplessness I had. When I first got to the hospital Abby lay in bed, slipping in and out of consciousness. My mother sat at her bedside, my father close by; I just stood unsure what to do. Abby’s face was grotesquely swollen from the harsh antibiotics, her loud personality demolished from the morphine drip, and her small frame even thinner in the hospital bed. The sight …show more content…

I no longer was held up by the support system of my family, but became a supporter of my family. I found strength to help Abby, my parents, and myself. I learned to articulate my opinions and to become a valued member in serious conversations. I spent days at the hospital worrying, crying, and consoling. Slowly Abby began to improve and I returned to school knowing I had made a difference. Abby’s illness thrust me from childhood, and I gained the realization I have the ability to face difficult challenges and to persevere. Developing into adulthood isn 't turning a certain age or landing a certain job; it’s learning to treasure the good and cope with the bad. Being an adult is knowing terrible things happen to wonderful people, and it’s no ones fault. Growing up is realizing that your parents can’t shield you from everything bad in the world, but they can hold your hand when the going gets tough. Adulthood is understanding my life won’t always follow an easy path, but I know I am strong enough to face adversities, move beyond them and embrace each day for the gift that it