The Importance Of Saving My Raccoon

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I never realize saving an animal’s life would give people hope and faith, until I saved a baby raccoon one day during last summer when I was on a family camping trip. We were at a gas station when it all happened, and the people in side asked me why I saved the raccoon, because it was just a baby I said. Yeah but it could have bit you a lady said to me, if it did then fine i would deal with it, and she walked away from me. I didn’t care because I was happy that I did something right.
It was a very hot summer day in Warsaw MO, we were on are way to the campground when we stopped at a gas station to get gas and drinks. We were just getting out of our truck and my dad was getting ready to put gas in our truck when someone yelled out loud were everyone could hear him, “look at that raccoon”. My family and I turned around to see the raccoon. It was a baby raccoon with its head stuck in a can going in circles in the parking lot. Poor thing it’s going to get hit or something if someone don’t help it, I thought to myself. I knew I had to help the poor thing if I don’t help it then it would probably die. …show more content…

I stopped right in front of it and looked around, because I didn’t want to get attacked by its mother, but it’s mother was no were around it. I bent down to grab the baby raccoon, when my sister started to yell at me. “Why are you yelling at me I want to help it”, I yelled at her. She was only pointing at something over my shoulder, I turned around to see a big raccoon coming my way. I got to my feet real fast and took a few steps back, thinking that it’s the baby raccoons mother. The mother raccoon just stopped a few feet away from the baby raccoon, so I got back to the baby raccoon as i keeping my eye on the mother that just standing there a few feet away from