Personal Narrative: An Institutional Nest

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Life is full of irresolution. Without it, life would have no passion, meaning, or intensity. The search for a resolution is what fuels humans. To live and think in a state of irresolution is just one part of the human condition. It fuels a person to find a passion. It encourages them to expand their culture and knowledge of the world. And most of all, it allows us to entertain two separate beliefs at the same time, yet still persevere.
A life without passion is hardly worth living. As a teenager, I feel constantly pressured to decide my fate. Which college I’ll attend. What I will choose as my career. Both of these things have the power to determine my worth and my happiness. But currently, I live in a state of irresolution. I am unsure my own future. I don’t know whether to turn left or right. This causes my days to be filled with passionate intensity that leads me to the stars, even through this uncertainty. If I knew exactly my path in life, I would not fight for my …show more content…

Everyone has an institutional nest, as it forms who they are. Stanley Fish, author of “Is there a text in this class?” articulates how our institutional nest creates our personal realities and determines how we understand other people. The gyre of institutional nests that is created when something as simple as a conversation occurs is another example of how life attains meaning through irresolution. Each individual 's nest collides, creating passion and arguments and relationships. This collision and creation results a person’s purpose. The relationships that we create in life give us meaning and purpose. If no one relied on you, or you did not rely on anyone, there would be no point. The acts of spreading kindness, making people happy, and encouraging others makes life worth living. In order to do those things, sometimes you have to sacrifice parts of yourself. Thus, ultimately resulting in that passionate