Personal Narrative: Bake Sale Day

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I remember waking up that morning, feeling paralyzed, as well as a rush of emotions. Feeling uneasy but ambitious, demoralized but delighted, timid but fearless; it was the day. Not just any day but the most anticipated day for all the second graders: Bake Sale day. As I was told by my teacher, Ms. Ash, this Bake Sale was at the utmost importance, because it would be funding our field trip later that year. I had always been a soft- spoken individual so the thought of talking to another individual; nevertheless, trying to sell an item to another individual on whether our cookies were better than the third graders was daunting and the burden of the field trip only added to the pressure. Regardless of how I felt I knew I had an objective, so I approached the …show more content…

Ever since that one day in my second grade, I have been doing everything in my power to make the dream of entering the business world, not only for myself but to witness that smile from the face of the customer again. Every summer since that day in my second grade, I tried to get a taste of that feeling again. Trying to start lemonade stands to making and selling bracelets with my neighbor, all of which were shot down by my parents, were valiant efforts that never seemed to work. Then I found it, an opportunity that allowed me to clearly see how I can make an impact in this world while combining my talent for business. The Aga Khan Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to eradicating global poverty, allowed me to see this. While organizing The Aga Khan Foundation Walk, a walk dedicated to educate the general population about the complex cycle of poverty and the sustainable solution needed to alleviate poverty. An interesting concept arrived in our discussion; a project done by the AKF in Mozambique, in which a microcredit bank was developed to give loans to the local community at a very low interest rates. The more my team