Personal Narrative: Beach Prisons

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I right away open my eyes, and seeing my mom tapping me on my arm saying “it’s time for breakfast.” This was a saturday morning up north at my great-grandparents cabin. I hope you like my story! I got out of bed right away and ran down the stairs as fast as I can, smelling the most delicious, buttery, hot pancakes on the stove. As I got to the kitchen I see the table already set, and pancakes staring right at me. I sat down and enjoyed a big, fluffy pancake. It was delicious! After breakfast my 59 year old nana ask me “do you want to go to the cliffs?” I said “sure I would love to go to the sand cliffs!” And also my 16 year old, older sister Megan ask to go with us and my 5 year old little sister ask also too if she could come to the cliffs. …show more content…

The sun was out bright showing off the beautiful fall colored leaves on the trees. The walk was peaceful and quiet. It was a very long walk to the cliffs, but I still love the beautiful scenery. As we walked along the path we saw tons of mushrooms, some were very pretty so we took some pictures along the way to the sand cliffs. As we were close to the sand cliffs I could see little bits of sand on the path, and I knew that we were close to the cliffs. As we got to the cliffs me and my older sister Megan headed over to one area of the cliffs where all of my family members back in days carved their names on that rock so they can go back and see their names there. So me and my sister carved our initials in the rock with a smaller rock next to the other names on the rock.

As we were finishing putting our names on the rock me and Megan went over by my little sister Myranda and nana and watch Myranda slide down the sand hills which was very fun. After that we all sat down on one big sand hill and talk for awhile and relax before we had to head back before we had to go make dinner. Then it was time to go back to the cabin and make dinner. As that we all headed back to the cabin since the walk back was about seven to eight minutes or even more than that. Then we headed. It seem like a longer walk back then coming there but it was awesome being

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