Personal Narrative: Busch Gardens

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Have you ever feared of doing something new? I knew for sure that I did, from my sixth birthday forward I am willing to overcome any obstacles that may stand in my way. I was six years old and in the 1st grade on vacation in Tampa, Florida. We were on our way to the humongous theme park known as Busch Gardens. When we had walked in, immediately anxiety had poured into my stomach and I started to feel slightly dizzy. My family talked so much about how they loved the ginormous roller coasters. When I was little, the thought of heights raises an alarm, I still catch a funny feeling in my stomach when I look at how high the contraptions are. I had to tell myself multiple times that I've done it before and I could do it again. It began when I walked into the park and my eyes …show more content…

The SheiKra holds the title of the tallest roller coaster in Florida, which stands at 200ft tall. It slowly crawls up and gets to the top where you can see the whole park and then drops rapidly into ups, downs, side to sides, it submerges and goes into loops. I remember seeing my mom come out from the entrance of the ride, with her black shirt drenched in water. My mom talked with my cousin about how much fun and how high the SheiKra was. Then, she glanced at me and made an uneasy facial expression. She asked me why I haven’t gone on to any of the roller coasters at the park. I told her they looked too high and I didn’t know if I might just catch a panic attack on the way down. She told me it was like an experience she never felt before. She walked me around and we went on a quest for the right roller coaster that wouldn’t be too big but would still be amusing to go on. We walked up to the “Scorpion”. I knew it was big, but I was with my mom and around family, so my anxiety immediately disappeared. I knew sooner or later that I was going to end up going on one, so I might as well just get it over with and it was