Personal Narrative: Cassandra's Journey

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“The Lord calls us to integrity, honesty, faithfulness, truthfulness, etc. In a world of moral relativism, such absolute qualities do not fit well. It can cost you.” Can we walk into this relationship and not know the facts about Christianity? Do we dare step inside the gates without knowledge of His expectations? Would we commit to His leadership/lordship if we saw the prerequisites required to become a part of the fellowship? Would we walk the aisle for Christ and turn our backs on Him once we realized that He requires everything including our lives? Could this failure to totally surrender be a cause for troops to abandon their posts, to be absent without leave in the Lord’s Army? Did we sign up without all the disclaimers presented …show more content…

Ever since the age of three, she had been a problem solver. She remembers manipulating the adults, aka parents, and diverting their attention to her hurt leg as she faked a fall from the shove of her father. Scene 1, take 1 was a success and their excessive arguing came to an end with the tears of a broken little girl. She constantly had to be strong and always on guard as a child. Her mother sent her to the first day of elementary school without registering her as a student. As she stood in the huddle of her peers anticipating her name to be called, she began to feel alone. She had nobody to help her. All the other kids were headed for their classroom but little Cassandra. She remembers standing there feeling afraid, overwhelmed, and thinking her mom was stupid for not protecting her. The first day of school was the beginning of the notes to self Cassandra would pen in pain to herself. If she ever had children, they would be registered for school. Mrs. Russell, one of the teacher’s aides, became her new best friend as she took Cassandra by the hand and led her to the classroom. She made the students feel welcomed and appreciated. God used her to take away the fear of being left alone in the great big world of elementary school. After a few days of adjustment, Cass loved going to school. It was an escape for her from the home life of an abused child. …show more content…

The town was a gossip hub, killing every citizen slowly but surely. The telephone switchboard would light up like New York City with the first inclination of something worth repeating, and those party lines gave meaning to conference calling. If you failed to show up to worship on a Sunday morning, you were going to be the talk of the town. Cass looked forward to going to church because her family would stop arguing and act civil for a couple of hours. Cassandra and her younger brother, were so worn out from all the fighting that they were the ones who needed the break from refereeing. The saddest part of the truth was, they were broken. The whole family was caught up in shackles of sin while looking pretty for Sunday worship. If they could have only seen themselves from the spiritual perspective, they would have been enlightened to the things of this world that so easily beset us. For the longest time, she refused to think about the physical abuse she experienced as a child. Those memories were so repressed, the FBI would have a hard time finding them. She did not want to admit that someone who pumped her full of words of love would intentionally harm