Personal Narrative-Destructing In The Ocean

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It has been moons since I got your last letter, I have missed you every time the cycle of light and dark start anew. I’m sorry I could not reply sooner, but the enemy is constantly on the move. I don’t know when this letter will get to you, but know that this war will let up be free from the control of the bipeds that once called themselves humans. Their destructing in the oceans and land is growing daily. Me and my tropes are doing all that they can to stop the bloodshed that they are causing in the oceans that lye between the ice of the north and the iron filled polluted waters of the south. I try to attack as many as I can, but they are growing more wild as their numbers fall, but yet it seems like nothing we ocean dwellers do can stop them from coming at us. …show more content…

I know you told me in your last letter, you were trying to do all that you can do to stop the humans from laying waste to the forests, but we need help. I have sent another letter ahead with a raven to let the Fox Queen of Seattle, Washington that you will be coming. She is a old friend that is willing to help the cause. Wait for me there my love, we will regroup, and talk about plans. It will take me a cycle of the blessed Moon to reach Seattle. Be strong Kaza. I know this is the longest we have been separated, but once we win. We will reclaim the blessed Earth back, and nothing can stop us from being in