Personal Narrative: Dungeons And Dragons

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Imagine being able to create a whole character in your design and then take the form of that character, fight epic monsters, and claim eternal glory. Dungeons and Dragons, a table top role-playing game, has allowed me to create my own character, Immeral, and be immersed in a world that I never thought was possible. I could think about situations in a completely different way as my character and use imaginative thinking which was unknown to me before. Even though I have only played Dungeons and Dragons two times, it has changed the way that I think about problems and my perspective of roleplaying games in a positive light. This simple table top game has allowed me to express my feelings and expressions into a game that I have never played before …show more content…

When we discussed our characters in front of the class, I felt a connection with them because before our presentations we all talked about how this was a struggle to get into character and acting like him/her. Dungeons and Dragons has allowed me to find a common ground with my classmates and connect with them on a personal level. This was a great relief to me since like a lot of kids in college, it is hard to throw yourself out there and meet new people. For some people Dungeons and Dragons allows for a way to connect with other people when they have trouble making friends in the outside world, with Laycock (2015) describing it as “an attempt to give young players an understanding of the world.” Dungeons and Dragons’ goal is to help bring teens together and help share a common identity. I believe this because I feel like I have connected more with the people in my group in class. On my group’s most recent quest we had the task of obtaining a treasure chest from a hidden cave. While completing this task, my group was faced with the difficulties of the unknown on what was in the cave and when we fought the animated suit of armor we had to communicate to overcome it. This experience allowed our group to grow closer together because we had to work together to complete a common goal. We had to put away our characteristics in the real world and had to embody our characters, which stripped away the social barriers such as popularity, race and gender, to complete our task. I would say that playing Dungeons and Dragons has allowed me to grow closer to my classmates and make a real connection with them because this game is something that we all share now. Working together with my classmates required me to think differently. For example, when my group and I ventured into the cave to rescue a box full of

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