Personal Narrative Essay On Who Is Hilary

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Who is Hilary? Right away you noticed the easy-going character of Hilary. Dressed down after an eventful weekend and a great win from our football team she embodied the school spirit of MSU alumni. Routinely involved with athletics at MSU, she overflowed with passion for sports, specifically hockey. Graduating with a marketing degree in 2012 Hilary went on to ultimately be a manager at Enterprise working in sales. After five years, she decided she was ready for change and jumped into a recruiting position where she experienced difficulties which led her to Medline Industries, a company she is happy at. Lessons Learned at MSU When asked what benefits Hilary received through her time at MSU it was clear that her out of class experience brought her the most value. Learning how to be self-motivated and …show more content…

Sometimes being unwilling to alternate from this path can be detrimental to our professional lives. Although, Hilary didn’t imagine working for Enterprise, she gained valuable insight working there. She was willing to leap into something that didn’t completely align with her original intentions but still benefited. She has been involved with multiple companies and she adapted and performed well in each role. Having the ability to be flexible will make you a more attractive candidate to any employer. Got and internship? Look for another one. You worked hard and secured the position. Whether it be a job or internship, Hillary encouraged that we keep searching. You may of found something good but you have the potential to find something great. I know it isn’t ideal to constantly hand out your resume, and yes you can slow down on the career fairs, but don’t completely cut yourself off from other opportunities. If the CEO of the company you always wanted to work for is coming to an event, then go! Don’t miss out because you already have something set up. What’s so great about this mentorship thing

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