Personal Narrative: God Is Panentheism

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I am not an atheist. I am a Christian. In order to be a Christian you must have faith. I based my belief on the King James Bible. I do not believe that God is panentheism. God is not in everything and everybody. God came to earth in a form of a man named Jesus. He lived on this earth, died and went to heaven. I do not believe in Deism, God created the world and cares for us. Jesus promised us he would not leave us alone. John 16:7 says Jesus would send a comforter, the Holy Spirit. I believe that God is immanent (Solomon & Higgins, 2014, p. 75). The Holy Spirit comes and lives inside the born again person. I believe in one God, monotheism (Solomon & Higgins, 2014, p. 70). There are not several Gods, polytheism. I believe in the Trinity,