College Essay On Haircuts

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One time when I was in kindergarten, my mom took my sister and me to get our hair cut. As a little kid, I looked up to my sister for everything. I remember my sister going first, and when she came back she had cut her hair from just below her chest to just above her shoulders. When it was my turn to go, the hair stylist asked me if I wanted to cut off ten inches and donate it, just like my big sister. Like most younger siblings, I wanted to copy every aspect of her life so I said yes. This was the first time I donated my hair to those who are financially disadvantaged and suffer from long-term medical hair loss. I then grew it out and donated my hair again in second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, and twelfth grade. In total, I have donated over seventy inches of hair in only seven haircuts. I have been very fortunate to have been born with such thick, healthy hair that grows back so quickly. All my life it has always been a feature of mine that is noticed and complimented almost immediately. At the time of my first donation, I was too …show more content…

This “hobby” of mine always reminds me to be appreciative of the life I live and the things I have. Hair loss seems like such a small concern compared to the bigger challenges faced by those who suffer from alopecia areata, cancer, severe burns, or other skin disorders. However, I like to take the small things into consideration and view them as some of the most important. I can’t do much to help those who suffer from these conditions with their struggles, and although I have no personal connection with the patients, I like to help in any little way that I can. Helping those who are less fortunate is so important to me and is something I thoroughly enjoy doing. Although donating my hair is a small contribution in the grand scheme of things, it has always been a big part of who I am, and I know going into the future, that it always will