Personal Narrative: Mom Obed

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Mom Obed, I do not know where to begin, I will start off by saying SORRY for what happened tonight. I know it hurt you really bad, but I ain’t mad at you for getting upset over it. However, you over reacted tonight; you applied too much of emotion into, which I believe you are not suppose to. Everything you said is, and also as I said, it is your house and it is all justified. To be sincere, I am not upset at all about what happened tonight but you said I did not talk to her, which is why she is disrespecting you. That is funny though, I did talked to her in length about everything but did not listen to everything I said. I do not blame her for not listening to everything, as we all know, individuals are entitle to their opinion. I am pretty sure you do not listen to opinion sometimes, so do I. …show more content…

I have dignity that is why I couldn’t talk about the situation on the scene. Why I did not, it is because you started raising and screaming on your lungs, which does not make any sense to me. I want you to know that, I do not belittle my family in front of anybody and I will never do that. We all know respect is reciprocal, no matter how small that person is. I do respect people regardless of the situation, oh, maybe because I am a male, my perspective is different and I view things differently. I remember Peter once lived with us and nothing happened; maybe because he is a male too. As I said, you over reacted, but I am not upset about it. I see no reason why you made mentioned of garbage inside the washroom and also the big mirror. Why do you have to point that out? Do you have to say she did not do it? Why not talk about the ones she did previous which I know. Why positive out the negative without praising the positive aspect of