Personal Narrative: Moving The Glassmakers Of Venice

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Prompt 4: Glass is an innovation used in many ways all over the world. Moving the glassmakers of Venice all to the island of Murano was a surprising benefit to the rest of the world for not just their time but for years to come. Having these people in close contact made them become more innovative than they ever had. Having these glassmakers close together pushed them to be better than each other. They were striving to be the best which created new and improved ideas and creations of glass. For instance the book mentions the glassmaker Barovier, he had mastered the art of making glass transparent. In those days having transparent glass wasn’t a necessity but this trait he had mastered is an essential for everyday life now. People …show more content…

I ended up being on crutches all but two months of my senior year. I didn’t realize this would have such a toll on my schoolwork. When it first happened I was discouraged and put in the least amount of effort to my homework and my overall learning which is the exact opposite of how I have ever acted before. After the first trimester I realized that it was up to me to change gears and realize what was important and that was learning. My situation didn’t change I was still on crutches but that didn’t affect my ability to learn and be a good student. This experience made me realize life is always going to throw curve balls at us, especially when we least expect them, however, how we deal with them and learn from them is what really counts. Without this experience I wouldn’t have realized how important it is to not just coast but actively engage in learning and school
As college begins I think this was the perfect book for me to read. I always had the attitude that grades were the most important but starting in as a freshman I now have the mindset that the things I learn and the skills I gain will be as beneficial as a piece of paper that states my degree. The skills I take from college will help in more than just a work setting but in life in general. Developing skills that can help me contribute to society is as important as the …show more content…

The reason being these two were way ahead of their day and age. They had minds that went beyond anyone else's during this time period. They had invented something incredible that wouldn’t be used for nearly one hundred years because they were so ahead of their time. Their minds built each other up. The chances that they found each other and were able to be so innovative is one of the reasons they were referred to as time travellers. It seems too good to be true that two people that smart would happen upon each other by chance and their minds click so much that no one else during their time could make any sense of what or why they were doing what they were doing. In the chapter clean it is explained that without the lenses that were provided by microscopes Koch would have never discovered the tiny organisms we call bacteria. Through this cross of innovations many people were saved from drinking deathly dirty water which led to an all around cleaner and healthier

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