Personal Narrative: My 9th Grade Biology Team

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A time when I had to act as a team with others was in the beginning of my freshman year. I was just about out of middle school and scared of a new beginning. I was coming to a new school and I needed to make friends because my old ones had gone to different high schools. It was the 3rd week of school and my biology teacher arranged a group project so that her students would get to know each other, I was partnered up with two other girls that were complete strangers to me. I disliked being in groups and then even more because they were not my friends plus I had never in my life seen them before. Then again to this day I thank my 9th grade biology teacher because if she had not paired me up with them I would had not meet my current best friends.
In the group project the girls and I had to work together and come to a compromise of what our project was going to be about. The teacher said the project could be of anything regarding biology. We all had our own ideas about what the project could be of. We had to work on the project for around a month but the first few days me and the girls, Daisy and Melissa, were still somewhat not comfortable with each other and we all wanted to do something different. I was all right with putting aside my idea to do one of the two they were suggesting. I knew if we did not come to …show more content…

Then we would show the teens pictures of teens who smoke and drink alcohol and of teens who do not. We had to gather the materials that we would need a suggested we should test multiple adults and teens not just one of each so that our experiment will be more diverse. Doing and planning this project made me a better person. I learned how to work as a team with people I hardly knew and developed communication skills. If I had not gone through this process I would not be the person I am