Personal Narrative: My Core Beliefs

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My core belief has changed between my younger years and where I am now. This is largely due to a certain member of my family and experiences that I 've had. My family affiliate themselves with similar religions. My dad 's side of the family call themselves Catholic 's and my mom 's side call themselves Lutheran as well as Christian. My brother and I were baptized as Catholic and up until two years ago I labeled myself as such. However, at this point in my life I no longer say that I 'm a part of any religion. When I was a child my Lutheran grandmother read to me from the bible before I would go to sleep whenever I spent the night. At the time she went to church fairly often and would drop me off at Sunday school while she …show more content…

I think that part of the reason I question religion is because of my social anxiety. This anxiety is something I 've dealt with for as long as I can remember and while it has improved since my senior year of high school, I still struggle with it on a daily basis. The few times that I did go to the Easter mass it was packed full of people. Due to my anxiety, I get anxious in places that have large crowds. While I was listening to people speak about God and the bible, they began to become increasingly emotional about the topic. At one point the person talking on stage dropped to his knees and threw his hands in the air as he preached on. After that point I wanted nothing more than to leave but some people in the crowd began to shout out and raise their hands as well. For what seemed like a long time this went on where people would call out about how God saved them from various sins. Once I was finally outside I decided that I would never go to mass again. My Lutheran grandmother didn 't like that I was resenting religion and she tried to force it upon me by making me feel guilty that I didn 't want to go to mass with her anymore. So, because of her actions towards me I no longer am comfortable talking about religion or religious things. I believe a God exists but I don 't believe in religion because I affiliate religion fully with church. To me, God can be separate from church because of the fact that I believe one doesn 't have to go to a church to have