Personal Narrative: My Engelhardt Family

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The Engelhardt family is an odd looking bunch. They all look different, no two are the same. There are three boys and four girls. The girls are short, 5’5” and under. The only exception is my Aunt Lisa who is around 5’7”. The Uncles range from 5’7” to 5’11”. My Uncle Don is particularly weird looking, his eyes bug out a tad, he was born with clubbed feet (corrected now), and his torso is really long, but legs are really short. My other Uncle Rob is plump, but average, the last is a tad thinner. My Aunts vary. My Aunt Lisa is tall and thin as a rod, my Aunt Becky is thicker, but strong looking and stern, Aunt Mary Lou is plump and soft, motherly looking. Finally my mother is a mix of them all and she was the last born. As for other physical …show more content…

This is my mom’s mom’s maiden name. My grandmother is a simple women. She is soft spoken and is the type to say “oh I don’t know deary, go ask grandpa…”. She stayed at home her entire adult life to raise the kids, and never got her driver 's license. It wasn’t because my grandfather was a stern man, oh no he was a gentle giant, she just never wanted to. We tried to get her to after grandpa lost his license, but she refused. She is content with her lifestyle and intends to keep it. My grandmother’s hobbies on the other hand might strike you as odd for a woman of her kind. She has been trained in the art of classical oil painting and is truly quite good at it. She has been painting at a professional level since she was sixteen years old and continues to paint to this day at age 88. Oddly enough she never sells outside of the family, she thinks she isn’t good enough I guess. In reality she is amazing and her paintings could hang in palaces. They hang all throughout my house. She’s also an author and has written five books. They fall more along the lines of Fifty Shades of Grey though, and yes you heard me right, my 88 year old grandmother writes those kinds of books. Once again she has never tried to get a single one published, they just sit on her computer collecting cyber dust. That is my grandmother a simple, but peculiar women