Personal Narrative: My First Roller Coaster Ride

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MY 1st Rollercoaster

Click!,Click! As we walked into michigan's adventure we gave the workers our tickets and walked into the wet, colorful water park. I stared in awe at all the different rides and games around me. My mom, sister and I kept walking looking for a ride to go on. We continued walking while I was feeling a little queasy looking at all the different rides they had.

I walked straight up to what looked like an old antique roller coaster made out of wood. I tipped my head up looking at the roller coaster which appeared to go on forever into the sky.

“That one I said steadily.

We got in the back of the line and I was a little nervous I was about to go on my first ever roller coaster. The coaster came back the where the line was at, and I was the next up.I saw the people waddling off very slowly. I sat in the two person wooden seat. I stared straight ahead at the wood rails with tiny metal bars underneath and a giant fake crack on the right wooden post. straight ahead of us.I sat in fear on the rough black plastic seat that reflected the sun right above me. …show more content…

Clack!,Clack! My whole body was shaking looking up at the top of the wooden hill above. I wanted to scream “Get me out of this death box!!!I didn't want to look ahead ,but I couldn't shut my eyes. We reached the very top of the hill and we started to tip downward. Out of nowhere we rushed down with speed. We were hurtling down the tracks as fast as a cheetah on steroids. I screamed an unexpected Wahooooooooo! The coaster took twist’s and turns, and bent in all directions. My body shook left and right and just when I thought it couldn't get any better, we went up another hill. Once again we raced down the tracks, And that's where We veered off to the right where we