Personal Narrative: My Freedoms In America

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As an American, I enjoy many freedoms that people from other countries don’t. That may not seem fair, and it really isn’t, but I am grateful that I have these freedoms. I have the freedom of life. I don’t have to worry every day that I am going to die. I don’t live in a place where I am under attack. I can go to school without fearing for my safety. I have a home that I get to live in. I have food, water, electricity, and even air conditioning. When I want to do something, I typically don’t have to worry about if I’m allowed to. I can say what I want within reason. If I disagree with the actions of the government, I can protest and make change. I won’t be shot or oppressed because I have a different opinion than the majority. I have the freedom …show more content…

If everyone doesn’t have them, there must be something special about our country. America has the best veterans. They fought for my protection, for my freedom, for my life. Even before I was born, there were soldiers fighting wars to keep me safe. I don’t have to worry about my protection, because soldiers gave up theirs to defend mine. I may not think about it every day. I may not have realized in the past how privileged I am to live in this country, but I do now, and I owe it all to veterans. I’m proud of their courage, commitment, and sacrifice. I am proud that they stepped up to defend this country. I’ve thought about joining the military, but I don’t know that I have the same character as the men and women who have served. I don’t know that I would be able to make the sacrifices they did. I’m sure they had the same questions I do, but the difference between them and me is that they didn’t let their fears and doubts stop them. I am so thankful that they aren’t me, that they were able to take it one step further, that they were willing to give up everything for this country and the people in it. I have great respect for all the men and women who chose to serve in the military in the past and those who are still serving. I wish I could say thank you to each and every one of them because I owe them everything. One day, I hope to be able to help others as they