Personal Narrative: My Hero's Death

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“How did you know about his death,”said Helping Hands.”Well, all I know is that he had a dream that he was going to die in 10 days and he had the dream 10 days ago,”said the Taylor.”Did someone go into his apartment and if so what did he or she look like?”said Alexis. “Yeah there was a women who went in there and I didn't say anything because I thought it was his sister or something” said Taylor.”Did you know the man like was he your brother or something”,said Sully. “Yes,”said the women,”we were just neighbors and then I became his girlfriend.” Well, can you tell us what happened 10 days ago before he died?”

I remember it like it was yesterday, we were going to the movies on Saturday and we were going to see Straight Outta Compton. So he