Personal Narrative: My Husband

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My Husband Harold Lejuan Harrington 3 was born 08/17/1972 My husband was married 3 times I 'm the last wife. Before I even got involved with him in past he had a group call The Genis Album call Slow love.During his other marriages, He wrote songs and producer of this on record. He had signed with Puff Daddy and other artists as well.He records at different studios and plays piano and keyboard and can sing to. He had a turn in his life but that did stop him from moving forward even though he has made mistake in his past keep the faith to keep pressing for a chance to grow in this music career. He never gave up. He always strives for better.I was not there but just as he telling me about what he did in the past it amazes me of what my Husband …show more content…

I had ordered 2 chalupas with extra meat and sour cream. As I was approaching the window the question was ask are you married I respond and said no all because he saw a ring on my finger and he ask me was that for you to throw me off and I said no the song had come on I turn my radio up I was playing a gossip song and he said I 'm not afraid of gossip song.Then he asks what church I go to at that time I didn 't have a church home. then he said that he would go church with me and I said ok one thing that blows my mind when he told me that you would not know your husband if he was standing in front of me. so we exchange number. I call him to see have he got off from work yet. He was still working. Then when he had called me I told him about my roommate that I had to let go.But I never thought that we would be married to this day.He started out as my roommate and we just made it official on October 18, 2013. We both live in Durant MS. I can say I 'm a blessed Woman to see my husband music career take off in the direction God is moving in. It 's a blessing and a privilege and honor to see my husband action work his music career. I 'm so happy to be apart of it all. My husband is a Bless man with mutant talent and Highly favor

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