Personal Narrative: My Primary Goal As A Nurse Educator

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Teaching refers to the intentional act of communicating information and is often defined as the facilitation of learning (Bastable & Alt, 2014). To achieve this, teachers must be aware of the learning styles and learning needs of the individual and how capable that individual is of responding to the demands of instruction. My love of learning guided me to become a nurse educator. My primary goal as an educator is to provide an environment that promotes higher order thinking, creative discovery and life-long learning. I am committed to providing a learning environment that is both exciting and engaging, one that empowers both student and teacher in pursuing learning. In order to create a caring and nurturing relationship with students, I will learn not only their names but also their academic goals, and help them identify strategies for success. Above all, I will treat my students …show more content…

To this end, new teaching strategies, based on sound educational theories and research, should be developed and promoted. To best meet the learning needs of students at the beginning of the 21st century, nursing educators are encouraged to move beyond reliance on traditional techniques of lecture and reading assignments to incorporate other teaching strategies that are based on sound theoretical principles. Some theories suggested by Barnum (1998) are dialectic, problem-based learning (PBL), operational instruction, and logistic teaching. Finally, nursing educators should recognize that technology will play an increasingly important role in nursing education and be prepared to incorporate distance education methods and virtual reality simulation into

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