Personal Narrative: My Rube Goldberg Machine

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A Rube Goldberg Machine is very fun to build. It is a machine that is very complex and has a lot of parts. You have to be very precise in order to be successful, which makes it challenging yet pleasurable. My Rube Goldberg Machine is called the Super Duper Page Turner. It turns a single page of a book automatically just by starting a chain reaction. The chain reaction starts with a marble, then triggers another step, which triggers another step, and so on. At the end, domino falls and carries the page of the book with it. My Rube Goldberg machine was very fun to design and build. However, it was very challenging as well. I changed many of my ideas while I was building the machine. I changed my ideas because when I started building my machine, …show more content…

My machine worked by having objects to hold balls or cars back and then releasing them at the right time. There were also parts where an object would push something else in order to make it move. Sometimes, some parts of the machine did not trigger or work. I had to make changes in order for each part to work. For instance, when I first tested my pulley, it was very unstable. Each time I tested my machine, the pulley was usually the part that messed up the whole thing. I had to make it work by using different materials on each side of the pulley. I switched the plastic containers with paper cups, and it worked very well. Another example is that my lever did not always work when I tested it. I wanted one ball to go the entire length of the lever, and the other to roll down the opposite way. After I tested the lever, both balls rolled the entire length. I switched a ball with a heavier one, so it would be too heavy to go the full length of the lever. After I changed the objects, the lever worked perfectly! In order for my project to work, I not only needed to make sure each part had a high success rate, I also needed to make sure that each part could be triggered easily. Overall, my machine worked pretty

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