Personal Narrative: Rebels Without A Cause

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Rebels Without a Cause Not very many people have affected me in the same way as my friend Jake Fernholz. I have never realized the influence he has had on me until someone pointed out that we talk and think the same way. I only met Jake two years ago in track, when a pulled hamstring injury caused Mr. Kellerman to have me practice with the long distance kids. Mr. Kellerman forced me into staying on the long distance team and that is where I started to hit it off with Jake. It took me a long time to be comfortable with Jake, but when I did we quickly found our common interests. Jake and I have the specific common interests of movies. We’ve seen nearly all the highest rated movies and talk about them everyday. There is no one else I know that …show more content…

Jake and I both have A.D.H.D. and this really shows when we hang out. There is no one else in the world that I am as comfortable with. We are also both extreme right wing conservatives and share the same opinion on the majority of political situations. Having a friend like Jake is important to me because he is the only person that I can be myself around. One experience where we mouthed off to the wrong person brought us closer than ever. Traumatic experiences seem to bring people closer together more than any other situation. Last year the Cross-Country team went on a trip to a Twins game. The team slowly became more comfortable with each other and by the time we arrived, we were having a good time. The baseball game was incredibly boring, so naturally our short attention spans got the best of us. We left our seats and started to wander the stadium. When we were riding the escalator a man that looked like Jessie Pinkman from Breaking Bad cut in front of us in a hurry. This guy was wearing dark and ratty clothes and looked like he was addicted to drugs. I then said to Jake under my breath, “Calm down drug addict.” We were the only three people on the escalator and