Personal Narrative: Sushi From New China

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A new food that I tried is sushi from New China. No one helped me, I just decided to try it and see if I like it. I felt scared to try it. I wanted to give up but I did not because I wanted to see if I liked it. I might try more new food in the future too see if I like those food. When I was going to get some, I was eating the rest of the food on my plate before getting a piece of sushi. When I stuck it in my mouth, it tasted bad so I swallowed it after chewing it really fast. After I swallowed it, it left a good aftertaste. It tasted like frozen rice with metal in the center. It changed the way I think about new foods by making me afraid to try them. I decided not to eat sushi again because I do not like the taste. Next I am planning on