Alternate Ending For The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

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As the uncomfortable ambiance of the woods went on, shame overcame Huck, and he admitted that he justly wanted to go home. The combination of dreariness and wet clothes secretly made them all want to leave, and Joe was about to admit too when Tom intervened. “Why would we want to go? How about we be brave and stay, just for a few days?” There was a moment of silence between them until an unenthusiastic “ok” was released from Joe and Huck. Each of them could feel the the longing for home. And as the silence went on, noon turned to evening, and evening turned to darkness. The sounds of the wild island kept them up as they shivered in the bleak night. It was too late to hunt, and the darkness prevented them from seeing; and in turn drowned out all of their chances of relieving their …show more content…

When morning arouse, the brilliant rays of light woke them up. And their food stricken stomachs immediately reminded them of hunger; their stomachs wrenched in pain. Their appetite kept them on the prowl for food, and soon they had caught a wondering crab. Around the same time they had found the crab, they had realized that the sandbar was gone, and they panicked at the thought that they all might be stuck on the island. Walking back to camp, the panic died down as they dug into the wild crab; enjoying it like it was their last dinner. Now comfortable, the boys grabbed their oak cups and went to the water spring to drink some water. Realizing their situation, they went back to the missing sandbar. Upon their arrival, they began to comprehend why the sandbar had gone away. The tide had washed away the sand, and although it wasn't much of a swim back to land; the water was very deep. Unsure of their journey, Huck, Tom, and Joe headed back to camp