The buzzer rang on the timer. Weight class one-ten-one-fifteen were up next. I Got mashed into a dog pile of my fellow wrestlers calling out my wrestling nickname (which at that time was just My last name, Edsall) I slowly walked to the desk and told them my school my weight and my name. The wrestler from the other school did the same. And we went to the middle circle, the golden Hawkeye on my chest almost shining in the light. The smell of stale Styrofoam filling my lungs from the matts. The referee had us shake hands and pronounced, wrestle! It was February twenty first roughly. when I was in seventh and eighth grade I wrestled Both those years, and unfortunately broke my nose both years (don’t worry, I never felt it.) This story tells of …show more content…
Like a little brother playing with his army men, quickly moving them around and changing their position constantly. Finally It was the end of the day and it was a home meet against Holland or Middleville. We set the matts up as straight as possible and did the same for the chairs the clinking and the chairs and the smacking of …show more content…
So we set back up in the middle I was again in the down position and he was on top in the referee's position and we started again.Being a weak little middle schooler I was broken down out of my base almost immediately and then sometime later I won a few points from reverses and maybe one take down.Then the buzzer rang loud through the stands again proclaiming the end of the second round and we were onto the third round.I was up points and happy, but then became very unhappy when I found myself shoulders to the matt trying to bridge and keep my back off the mat, with no use,so in the end I was pinned and he won.Very well played on me and his side.After a few more weight classes we still lost the meet, and it was the