
Personal Narrative: The Book Of The Bible

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Do you think she silenced the room? I imagine some sat in disbelief, perhaps others in confusion and yet, I'm sure, every lady there must have been challenged by her words. I was challenged, by my Pastor's wife, as she shared a story about a speaker at a ministers wives conference she had recently attended. The speaker stood up and boldly announced that none of them believed in God's word and were Bible illiterate. Woah! What!?! I asked myself, "could I be Bible illiterate, too?" I would have loved to have been there! I'm tired of wimpy, hollow women's conferences, bible studies and sermons. I want more. I want deeper. I want Jesus! The cure for Bible Illiteracy As Christian women, do we read our Bibles with a casual heart? Not really …show more content…

Praise the Lord." Psalm 150:6 P = Pray. Ask God for the discipline to study His word. Seeking Him to press upon your heart where to start reading - what book of the bible to start with. Ask God for the wisdom, heart and understanding as you read the Bible. For your eyes and heart to be opened and enlightened to the hope available to us. (Ephesians 1:17-18) R = Read. Intentionally make time for just you, your bible and God. Having prayed first, asking for guidance, start where God leads you. What book of the Bible should you start with? That's between you and God. Some like starting at the beginning with Genesis, while others prefer starting with the Gospel of John. Just don't skip around. For example, if you start reading the book of Esther, read the book from start to finish before moving on to another book. Read up on the author of the book, learning their back-story, date it was written, setting, purpose, etc. A = Assess. Mull over what you are reading, taking time to think about each word or phrases of words. What is God trying to say? What do the words mean? What do they mean to you and your life? What is the author trying to tell the audience? How does it make your

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