Personal Narrative: The Book Thief

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“After that there were weeks, months and a lot of war. She remembered her books in moments of worst sorrow, especially the ones that were made for and the ones that saved her life .One morning in a renewed state of shock; she walked back down Himmel Street to find them but nothing was left. That would take decades; it would be a long life.”(The Book Thief pg.545)
But decades later I found myself at the Bahnhof in Munich. Despite the fact that my life has been going very well (I am a mother of three children, a grandmother, and a wife) I have not been able to put my former life behind me. Thoughts of Hans and the accordion (which I still have), Rosa and Saumenschs, and Rudy and our days of thievery. So to put my mind and heart to rest I decided that a trip to Molching would settle everything.
The First Stop was Himmel Street. *** A PHOTO OF HIMMEL STREET***
Grass. Everything was the same except instead of houses there was grass. …show more content…

Out in the street there was Rudy with his lemony yellow hair, Tommy with the pink river of skin across his face. And Pfiffikus whistling “The Radetzky March.” At the end of the corner I could see Frau Diller’s with Frau Diller inside with her solider like stance and evil glare. As I continued towards Munich Street I looked back to get one more glance but all I could see was grass. *** SECOND

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