Personal Narrative: The First Day Of College At Pig State University

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It was the first day of college at Pig State University. For the 3 pig brothers: Steven, Bill, and Charlie, it seemed like college was going to come easily to them. They had always gotten straight A 's and were the star athletes of the football team. Pig State University gave them all full scholarships, so naturally they chose to go there. Don 't be fooled by the name though, many other animals also go there.
Since they are staying in dorms, it was move in day for them. They were so excited; it was a start to a new school. During the car ride up to the campus, they stopped to get food, candy and gas.
After the stop they only had about 15 more minutes to go. Once they got there they started carrying all of their stuff up into the dorm and met their RA. An RA is basically like your mom while you’re at college and helps you with pretty much anything you need. If …show more content…

After that awkward conversation, the pigs ate their lunch, paid and left with little to no conversation. Bill and Charlie went back to the dorm and Steven went to the library to study. For the rest of the day, all of the pigs couldn’t stop thinking of how horrible lunch was. They all felt bad for everything.
Later that week Charlie and Bill got kicked out of a party at another dorm and started to fail their classes and exams were their only hope to being their grades up. For about an hour each night, they studied but quickly got bored and decided to spend the rest of their night at a bar or partying. The RA (the wolf) was tired of writing them up and yelling at them and just gave up. The wolf started to get a little worried with exams coming up and the pigs excessive partying.
“Can you guys please stop with the excessive partying? I realize that it’s college and you guys want to have fun, but all of the other people in the building are being woken up at 2 at night before class and have asked me multiple times to ask you guys to stop so can you?” The wolf politely asked.
“Yea! Of course we can!” the pigs