Personal Narrative: The Food Stamp Challenge

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“black experience” by appropriating the pain of hundreds of years of vicious anti-black sentiment in the United States. While she can partake in à la carte blackness, and she surely does to some degree, her desire to be victimized for being black signifies that Dolezal craves the complexities and pains of blackness – she does not want to cast them aside. In fact, it is in Dolezal’s best interests to adopt all aspects of blackness, beyond only appearance. Victimization is only one facet; she also attended a historically black university, essentially passing herself off as a black woman to the college in her portfolio and application, worked as a professor of Africana Studies at Eastern Washington University, and, as previously mentioned, was head of the NAACP chapter of Spokane. However, it seems only recently Dolezal decided performing blackness was in her best interest. Perhaps one of the …show more content…

While this challenge is meant to shed light on how meager SNAP benefits are, it, much like Dolezal, misses the mark for reality. There is no realistic element to the challenge, no matter how strict one may be in their behavior while undertaking it, because the thought of knowing the challenge is only temporary, coupled by already comfortable lives they enjoy, jobs they work, nice homes these people often live in, means that they have no need to actually worry about feeding themselves or their families. There is always a backup – the challenge is