When you first walk through the doors of Shoprite, you notice the floral section. The selection of flowers, plants and bouquets is numerous and attractive to the eye. The departments of the store are thought out intensively. The produce section, the meat section, the juices and dairy products and the main course in the middle of the store, the grocery products such as junk foods and other packaged goods are put in the middle of the store. In “The Supermarket: Prime Real Estate” by Marion Nestle, the author describes grocery stores as: “You are supposed to feel daunted-bewildered by all the choices and forced to wander through the aisles in search of the items you came to buy” (pg 496).
I conducted a telephone interview with Tammy Hubert the morning of Thursday, October 29, 2015. She works at a local Portland agency called, Central City Concern. The agency is a large company and has numerous services to offer the community. Tammy works in the CCC Recovery Center. Working at Central City Concern is a newer job position for her as she was just hired with the company in June of this year.
After walking through the crowded parking lot, it is time to purchase a ticket. The Fair has multiple discount days including opening day, school kids day, super saver Tuesday, and senior citizens day. Anticipation builds from this point on. There are in array of activities
I arrived at the Loaf N Jug located at 59 S. Curtis at 10:15 a. m. and observed 7 cars in the parking lot and 3 cars purchasing fuel. The exterior of the building was clean, well maintained and the overall appearance was inviting. Entering the store, the cashiers were engaged with customers so I proceeded to walk up and down the aisles looking at the shelves and floor area. They both appeared stocked and organized.
The person that I interviewed was Autumn Tomas. She is the Director of Head start/Early Head Start. Her role/responsibility as the director is the day-to-day management and oversight of the Head Start/ Early Head Start Program for Episcopal Children Services. I interviewed her at her office on July 27th 2016 and our interview lasted about 45minutes.
It was the last inning in our all-star game, and we were losing 10 to 8. Our team had 2 outs and we couldn’t get the third. Our pitcher was doing bad, throwing all balls, while all of us in the field were tired, ready to fall asleep at any moment. There goes another walk. They score again.
10 Block Story As the Christmas season is getting closer, the anxiety of what you’re getting for presents is growing bigger. I mean, who doesn’t want to know what they’re getting. The element of surprise is okay, but sometimes you just want to know what you’re getting! So, you can’t blame me when I saw my sister, who, I pretty much know got me for, “Secret Santa,” which wasn’t very secret. I wanted to follow her to see what she got me, so I did.
As I peer through the thick smoke, reminding myself why I chose to come in the first place, I see a half dead man on the floor- begging for water. We don’t have enough food or clothes. There are very few of us left to fight against the redcoats. Even though on some days we are cheerful, we are starving and freezing. I am wondering if I should re-enlist or go back home.
I click the contact that said her name and thinks to myself that I do not remember giving her that emoji, but I just forget about it seconds later. It goes straight to voicemail. At this point, I am still calm and just decide to search for her, which in hindsight was probably a bad idea considering how big the fair is. After spending a couple hours searching I can already hear my mother’s words in my head saying “I told both of you guys to stick together” and then she would give me the “disappointment speech.” Just then someone in a churro costume comes up to my and ushers me to come to the churro stand.
You don't want to know me. You'll sit there expecting me to open up about how shitty my life has been, or is. The first agenda on your list is probably my childhood, right? You want to me to tell you how lousy it was, that my parents never loved me as much as my sister, that I resented my father for that until he dropped dead. No, you don't want to hear all that Good Will Hunting kind of crap.
There are so many movies I watched during my childhood, but my favorite movie has to be Field of Dreams. The movie presents one of the most interesting baseball stories ever. Field of Dreams was produced in April of 1989. I can’t imagine anyone who loves the game of baseball not liking this movie. I love this movie as it connects with two things I love the most, God and baseball.
One of my favorite things to do in the fall is going to the Dixie Classic fair. Amber, Mj, and I went to the fair together. We were so thrilled since we hadn’t gone to the fair in about 4 years. Our first ride we rode was the fireball ! It would go upside down and in a circle I was terrified.
From the moment I stepped past through the set of large, orange colored, double doors into the exhibit hall floor I knew it was everything I had ever dreamed it would be. The first thing I laid my eyes on was a blue and white poster that stretched from end to end titled "Welcome Nerds! To PLANET COMIC-CON! " If you can imagine the smell in the air was a mix of excitement and the overwhelming passion for pop culture. Over the past few months, my friends and I recently made the bold decision to embark on an unforgettable adventure like never before.
One It started the way it usually starts. The sweet smell of her perfume, that first touch, that eager kiss...pure passion. As she walked away, I thought to myself "I could eat this girl for lunch" literally and figuratively speaking. What is about her that has me so attracted????
It might have just been me being sick, but the women that were working there did not seem talkative about anything. I tried to start a conversation with one of the women about how why she was working there, but all I could get out of her was that she had been working there for about a year and a half. I kind of expected this to happen because I assumed at least some of the women working in the thrift shop would come from or be a part of the YWCA. There is confidentiality involved in any organization that deals with domestic violence or at-risk women and children, so a reluctance to open up and talk about her involvement in the organization is