
Personal Reflection On ASGCU Public Relations

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The months of December and January were busy months for me. There was a lot of excitement that has happened in terms of; Midnight Breakfast, new resolution idea, getting to sit on the Embrace committee, participating in the first ever We Hear You Wednesday, plus spending time doing weekly interactions and handing out surveys. During the past couple of months, I had the opportunity to grow as a senator and continue to help the students of GCU. During the month of December, I had the opportunity to help at the annual Midnight Breakfast. This event is something that ASGCU Public Relations (PR) team does at the end of every semester, just before finals week. This year, I got to help with security, made sure students knew where the line started …show more content…

My idea was to create a temporary space for commuter students, where they can go and study without the distractions. The reason that I want to pursue this resolution idea is that commuter students need a place where they can go and study. The commuter lounge can get busy and loud throughout the day. The commuter students need a place where they can go to focus on their studies. I hope to start working on this idea soon. Secondly, ASGCU is putting on Embrace week. This week is a weeklong initiative to bring awareness to mental health. I am honored to sit on this committee, because I am passionate about this topic and want to help give students the tools they need to cope with different situations. This committee is hosting three events throughout the week. These events will provide students a chance to destress. I am excited to continue to sit on this committee and help put together a great week. Third, the ASGCU Senate has put on its very first We Hear You Wednesday. This is a great initiative that will really help bring more awareness to students about who the ASGCU Senate is. With this initiative we can interact with students every Wednesday and bring more awareness about the amazing opportunities the Senate can help them

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