
Personal Speech: My Best Friend

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SPEECH I want all of you in this room, to go back and imagine as if you are your 10 year old self. Now, try to remember what your biggest fear was back then. That one fear that made your heart beat so fast you could feel it about to burst out of your chest. That one fear that made your body tremble uncontrollably to the point where you can’t take it anymore. That one fear that you are so scared of you’d lock yourself in a room and hope you’d never have to come out. It may be fear of death, wondering when death will call upon you, if you would go to heaven or hell, and if you’d still meet your relatives up there. Or it might be fear of kidnappers, that will come into your room in the middle of the night and take you away. It might as well be …show more content…

Let me tell you a little story about a dear friend of mine. Around a year ago today, during my national examination tryouts, my best friend, who is the strongest person I’ve ever met in my whole entire life, a friend, who I’ve never seen crying throughout the years of friendship, a woman, who faces problems like a man, came up to me with her swollen red eyes, and tinted rose cheeks. I was completely speechless but also worried at the same time. Why was i speechless you may ask? No matter how bad people treated her, she has never, not even once, cried about it. And that day, marked the history of the strongest person I know, cry. As I asked her what happened, a great sob escaped her, as she covered her face with shaking hands. Tears raced down her cheeks, her mouth trembled as she cried, she began telling me what horrendous situation she …show more content…

Or if you are personally abused emotionally? One thing for sure, you don’t just stand still and observe. In agreement with healthyplace.com, I believe to cope and eventually stop emotional abuse, you should firstly understand the abuser, stand up to them, and find positive ways to interact with the abuser, such as changing the subject, or use humour to divert the conversation. Emotional abuse can’t be stopped by the abusers alone, but it requires the participation of the victims and those around them to stop it for good. Although it may be challenging, victims should be able to regain control of the situation by looking the abuser in the eye and act confident, despite how scared they may be inside. They should also speak in a calm, clear voice and state their opinions for example, “stop teasing me. stop calling me names. I deserve to be treated with dignity and respect”. They should as well act out of rationality, with responses that will actually help the situation, aside from emotion. Lastly, they should keep in mind that they are not alone and it is not their fault that they are abused. If the abuse is too severe, victims must go to a health professional or call a

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