Personal Statement

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My interest in medicine started when I took my first biology related course in seventh grade. The highlight of the class was studying about the nervous system, which drew my interest to the neurosciences. From there, my curiosity of how our body, brain especially, works grew immensely. To this day, the same reason holds my interest towards medicine- the mere curiosity towards it. Because of this, I always knew I wanted to end up in a medicine-related career (neurosurgeon). Medicine is a very interesting field to study. The most appealing part of medicine, besides the actual study of it, is physically applying what you have learned before. In addition, there are a lot of job opportunities, which in turn helps to progress your career, and people in medical related professions are usually well respected. However, I do think there are major challenges to modern medicine. Many medical related professions require a lot of money and investment in time. In addition, there is a lot of competition, the work hours are …show more content…

I've noticed that the university provides a lot of student support services, which I find crucial to any good university, as academic advice and mentoring is important to me (Ex. Guidance). In addition, I find the tuition and fees to be reasonable, and find the living options on campus extremely comfortable. Another reason I want to apply to this university is because of its top research facilities. Wanting to go into a medicine, research is core to many sciences and medical professions, including neuroscience. I have found out that Rutgers University- Newark College of Arts & Sciences is home to top research centers, such as the Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neurosciecnes. The campus also provides a lot of clubs and opportunities for the students to get involved in, which is how I plan to get involved in the

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