Personal Statement

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In the past three years of my high school career my main focus as a student has been to pass my classes and . Now as a junior I am starting to look more into new opportunities offered to me and I came across Project SELF. I see this internship as an opportunity to better myself and prepare for what's to come in my future. Project SELF is a program that provides students an opportunity to learn and enhance our abilities that one day we will need in order to succeed. I, myself, am very interested in having the privilege of being a part of this program. By being elected to become a part of Project SELF I would grow as a student and as a person. This internship would give me the experience that I will require one day. Already, with just the application process I have learned many new techniques because this is the first time that I have had to go through such an extensive application process. I believe that if I become a part of the program the actual internship will help me develop more useful skills. …show more content…

I believe that this internship will also help me figure out what it is that I will do in my future. As a high school junior that means that soon I will have to start making decisions about my life as an adult and decide what my future career will be. But because of all the options that I have and the fact that I am so interested in many things I have not been able to make a final decision. This is my future that I am talking about and I do not want to make any decision lightly. This internship, I know, will help me get a step closer to making that crucial decision. I will get to have a on hands experience on jobs that relate to law or business and I am sure that with that I will be able to get a step closer to figuring out if it is something I want to do for the rest of my

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