Personal Statement

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“Does the future scare you?” is a question that one has to eventually face, and at this point in my life, the future does scare me. However, this can be analyzed differently by other psychologists. My interest in Contemporary Psychology does not scare me, but rather make me feel secure. It helps me to understand why I act the way I do. In this case, the future scares me as it is unknown to me; I simply don’t know what the future holds. All I do know is myself, and how I can direct myself for a better future.

Due to this, psychology always came naturally to me. Subconsciously, I would analyze any situation, as any other person would, but this also peaked my interest for analyzing the characteristics of the people around me. Psychology taught …show more content…

I have been fascinated with human behavior, taking AP Human Geography, which discussed the reasoning for human migration; edging me closer to the world of psychology. Other brief brushes with psychology included taking Anatomy and Physiology, a medical course. This class introduced the different functions of the brain, its effect on the rest of the body, and each function of the body. It wasn’t until taking Psychology and Sociology that sparked my interest once more. My perfect grade in Psychology and Sociology reflects my desire to work hard. If there were additional classes, I would have definitely taken them! Instead, I have been busy with a few AP classes under my belt, and artistic extracurriculars; having now a keen eye for impressionistic art, and small interests in …show more content…

To elaborate, High School has a swarm of teenagers with “complex” teenage problems. Every day I have met with friends who are concerned about something in their life. I also contribute to this with my own set of problems. Our social interactions display to me their personality and how they will assess that situation. I have always had a desire to work with people in this field so I can help them with their problems. My friends would often come to me for advice as I would be the one to accurately examine their situation, and advise them on what they should do next. Whether it's changing their attitude or pointing out the flaws in other people.

Day-to-day encounters with classmates, teachers, and other people also allow me to practice my social skills and interactions with other people. The fact is, is that Psychology surrounds us. Psychology has been a part of our everyday lives, and to learn more about this subject, as well as applying it to my future, is very interesting and exciting. Helping people on a larger scale is a goal of mine, and entering college is the only viable option for me to pursue my goal in