The medical profession evolves and encompasses a broad range of knowledge and problems; around every corner resides a new solution or obstacle. I want to join the practice of medicine because new possibilities come into existence each day. New breakthroughs appear that change people’s lives for the better; however, setbacks arise that take away people’s hopes for the future. I selected the study of medicine because there are new challenges to face and lives to change every day. I want to provide for people by quickly processing their needs to find a solution while giving the patient the necessary information to keep them confident and comfortable. Throughout my life, I have encountered challenges that reshaped my process of thinking. When the end of my sophomore year drew near, I faced a life-changing injury on the …show more content…
I experienced both setbacks from my injury and thanked my doctor for providing a successful solution. Because of this experience, I want to provide others with exceptional care and attention. I see myself being suited for the field of medicine because I understand the importance of tracking time, asking questions, and quickly finding solutions. In high school, I have taken many advanced placement courses and taught myself time management even with a full schedule. Also, I care about people; I have served my community ever since middle school and helped people that seek comfort, assistance, and understanding. In the medical field, it is not just about learning medicine, applying it, and moving on. Doctors are not machines; I believe my ability to serve others has taught me a necessary skill needed for when I enter the medical profession. The knowledge to problem solve quickly, and the ability to show compassion creates a unique opportunity for me to serve people on both a professional and personal level providing optimal treatment for