Personal Statement

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As a kid I was always fascinated by anything to do with science. I was constantly reading and finding out easy, at-home science experiments I could do. I loved being able to have an idea of the results of my experiment and then actually test it out. Every chance I had to participate in a science fair, I took advantage of it. I also loved being in charge of a science experiment, from gathering supplies and making a procedure list, to assigning jobs and recording the results. I figured why not turn my passion of science and chemistry and my leadership ability into my career. My interest and passion for science, specially chemistry, has been present since a young age. I would love to be able to spend my day doing work I enjoy and get paid to …show more content…

The main industries I researched that employ the majority of chemical engineers are the aerospace, automotive, biomedical, electronic, environmental, medical, and military industries. These industries use the skills of the chemical engineers to help develop their products such as; biocompatible materials for implants and prosthetics, ultra strong fibers and adhesives for automotive use, and film for optoelectronic devices. I found that some areas of the country have a higher concentration of chemical engineers, for example, the Northeast and Midwest are the most concentrated with 25% and 21%, the Southeast and West are in the middle with 12% and 11%, and the Plains and Mountains are the lowest concentration with 3% and …show more content…

Chemical engineers use skills that deal with chemistry, physics, and math daily. I found that engineers are analytically oriented people and specifically chemical engineers have even more analytical traits. The majority of the work includes recording the test results of the reactions between mixing chemicals. The main goal is to end up with a product or solution that can be put out on the market. This process of trial and error takes a lot of time and forces the engineer to be very analytical to find errors and problems. I researched that chemical engineers must know the elements and understand the side effects that each element can cause. Engineers must be team oriented and the American Chemical Society says that chemical engineers must have traits that will allow them to work and collaborate with others to solve difficult problems. I discovered that chemical engineers must be able to communicate, listen well, and write good reports to give to managers. Creativity is almost a requirement for chemical engineers because they work with developing products and the must understand the elements and the results that come from combining them. Chemical engineers are more valuable than people who just take orders because they use the knowledge they have acquired to figure out what it takes to solve problems and better products. I found that for a chemical engineer to develop new

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