Personal Statement

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I believe you cannot know where you are going until you reflect upon where you have been. It is important to have a destination in mind but be ready to enjoy the journey. Although the shortest distance between two points is a straight line; we usually travel down many different and meandering roads throughout our lifetime. Occasionally, the road is smooth, straight, and comfortable. It gently leads to happiness, prosperity, and fulfillment. Some roads are rough, degraded, and painful. It may lead to sadness, poverty, or disillusionment. But do not fret; detours can also lead to splendid places we never dreamed of visiting. It gives me peace to know that by pursing my goal of becoming an Education Specialist; I am slowly becoming the person …show more content…

My early experiences as a young child have adequately prepared me for adulthood and success in any career. I am blessed to have had such a wide variety of superb elementary school teachers that taught more than academics. These phenomenal women helped me establish a high academic standard, a strong work ethic, morals, critical thinking skills, and they led by example. It has taken me a long time to uncover what commonality the highly effective inspirational teachers in my life had shared. Then I read an article by Parker J. Palmer titled, “The Heart of a Teacher Identity and Integrity in Teaching.” Palmer asserts, “Good teachers possess a capacity for connectedness. They are able to weave a complex web on connections among themselves, their subject, and their students so that students can learn to weave a world for themselves. The methods used by these weavers vary widely…The connections made by good teachers are held not in their methods but in their hearts…” (Palmer, 1998, p. 244). I believe that as an educator, I have the responsibility of creating a classroom environment that fosters socially aware, responsible, self-reliant citizens with the ability to solve problems. The standards and values such as: integrity, the importance of hard work, the ability to cooperate with others, the development of respect for …show more content…

It is my life’s mission to help each and every student and family find ways to get the help and support that they need. Each child deserves the chance to reach their fullest potential. I am acutely aware that what constitutes success for each individual child will vary greatly. We (teacher, student, family, and community) will need to be willing to open-heartedly and open-mindedly take this (sometimes) perilous journey together. I have learned that this journey is not for the weak or faint of heart. It is important to note that all families want their children to be successful. Success is defined differently from family to family. It is important to remain culturally and linguistically sensitive and aware. I need to utilize reliable data-based practices to help ensure that all students learn. Ultimately, however, I need to work to make sure that individuals/students with disabilities never experience injustice, receive unfair or cruel treatment, and are never denied rights in our educational settings and beyond. Smith (2010) states “Social justice is an elusive concept, hard to define, but one we all support. At its core are sets of values about equality, human rights, entitlements, and fairness” (p. 4). These values guide our actions at Diamond Valley Middle School as the department works together to develop a program that meets the needs

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