Personal Statement: A Career As A Nurse

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My life goal is to help as much as i can and be the best version of myself. Growing up I never felt cared about and had any attention given to me. From that point on I knew I never wanted anyone to feel like me at any point of their life. My passion for wanting to become a nurse became stronger. Knowing that you can make a positive change to someone's life by being who you are makes me feel great. By being an black woman in America we feel like we have to be something the world wants to be, and I want to break out of the cycle. I will be the first person in my family to go to college, it makes me feel like I can make a change in my family or the stereotypical families. As a person with a visually impaired disability I have people who think that I won't be able to succeed in life. …show more content…

I think becoming a nurse will benefit me by challenging myself to learn new things and to learn how to motivate myself more. I was always told that my disability will prevent me from having a normal life, but i want to grow out of that i want to show i can do anything i put my all to, show the people who said i wouldn't be able to do anything in life.To show the younger generations to not let fear overcome you don't let anyone or anything try to demotivated you from doing anything you want to do. By becoming a nurse I feel like I can make change, it may not affect the whole world but it may make a difference to my community and the people around me and who needs it most. What STEM means to me is finding ways to improve today's society and our community finding new ways to improve our